Retirement Read Time: 4 min

Choices for Your 401(k) at a Former Employer



Choice 1: Leave It with Your Previous Employer

你可以选择什么都不做,把你的账户留在前雇主的401(k)计划中. However, if your account balance is under a certain amount, 请注意,你的前雇主可能会选择将这笔资金分配给你.

把401(k)账户留在你的前雇主那里可能是有原因的——比如投资成本低,或者计划外的可用性有限. 其他原因是为了维持特定的债权人保护,这是合格退休计划所独有的, or to retain the ability to borrow from it, if the plan allows for such loans to ex-employees.3


Choice 2: Transfer to Your New Employer’s 401(k) Plan

前提是您当前雇主的401(k)计划接受从先前的401(k)计划中转移资产, 你可能需要考虑将这些资产转移到你的新计划中.

转移的主要好处是便于合并资产, retaining their strong creditor protections, and keeping them accessible via the plan’s loan feature.

If the new plan has a competitive investment menu, 许多人更愿意转移他们的账户,与他们的前雇主彻底决裂.


另一种选择是将资产滚动到新的或现有的传统IRA中. 传统的个人退休账户可能会提供一些新的401(k)计划中没有的投资选择.4


Remember, don’t feel rushed into making a decision. 你有时间考虑你的选择,可能需要寻求专业指导来回答你可能有的任何问题.

Choice 4: Cash out the account

The last choice is to simply cash out of the account. However, if you choose to cash out, 如果你的年龄在59岁半以下,你可能需要为余额支付普通所得税,外加10%的提前提款罚款. 此外,雇主可能会扣留你账户余额的20%来预付你所欠的税款.

Think carefully before deciding to cash out a retirement plan. Aside from the costs of the early withdrawal penalty, 从账户中取出钱会有额外的机会成本,因为这笔钱可能会在递延税收的基础上增长. For example, taking $10,如果你从401(k)退休计划中拿出1000美元,而不是存入一个平均8%的递延所得税账户,你就能剩下100美元,000 short after 30 years.5

1. In most circumstances, 在你年满73岁的那一年,你必须开始从你的401(k)或其他固定缴款计划中提取所需的最低分配. 从401(k)计划或其他固定缴款计划中提取的资金将作为普通收入征税, and if taken before age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty.
2., 2022
3. A 401(k) loan not paid is deemed a distribution, 如果账户持有人年龄在59岁半以下,则需缴纳所得税和10%的罚款. If the account owner switches jobs or gets laid off, 任何未偿还的401(k)贷款余额在个人提交联邦纳税申报表时到期.
4. In most circumstances, once you reach age 73, 您必须开始从传统个人退休帐户(IRA)中提取所需的最低分配额。. 传统个人退休账户的提款按普通收入征税, if taken before age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty. 只要您符合劳动收入要求,您可以在70岁半后继续向传统IRA缴费.
5. 这是一个仅用于说明目的的假设示例. 它不代表任何特定投资或投资组合.

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